Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chocolate Poisoning - Will it Kill Your Dog?

Celebrate Carefully
At Christmas, time and Easter, we all delight to enjoy presents, rich eating and sweets. But did you know that chocolate could kill your pet? New pet owners often do not know that chocolate contains chemicals that cause undesirable and even fatal effects in dogs. Different types of chocolate, contains varying amounts of Theobromine which can lead to accidental pet poisoning.
Chocolate Keep It out Of Reach
The best course of action is to restrict your pets access to all types of chocolate, especially the dark kind. Cats normally are not as susceptible to chocolate poisoning as dogs. This is because dogs enjoy sweets just like a human. Chocolate as we all know produces a cozy feeling by releasing endorphins into our brain.
Chocolate Why It Can Kill
Theobromine, which is contained in the roasted coca bean, is a CNS stimulant. This can have various effects on your pets central nervous system. The amount of danger depends on how big or small your canine is, and how much chocolate they have ingested and the type of chocolate. Therefore, gather a good history of what has happened because your pet will likely need to immediately see a vet or go to the pet hospital.
Chocolate Poisoning Dog Signs and Symptoms
Signs and symptoms may display as stomach upset, gastric lining irritation, vomiting or diarrhea, gastro-intestinal bleeding, restlessness and severe aggravation, dilation or enlargement of cardiac blood vessels, seizures, and possibly even death.
Act Fast to Save Your Canines Life
If you are a short distance from the vet or pet hospital, phone ahead and notify them of what happened. Follow their instructions exactly. If you live out of town, keep a good first aid kit handy. It should include Syrup of Ipecac and activated charcoal. Two life-savers easily and inexpensively obtained from your local pharmacy. Both are sold as non-prescription medicines.
Write Down Their Instructions
Get instructions from your vet, pet hospital, or an animal poison control center on how to use ipecac or activated charcoal before an emergency arises. These experts know the amount of each ingredient to administer for your dogs size and weight and they will clearly explain the rational of use. Please, write their instructions down and keep them in your canine first aid kit.
Syrup of Ipecac -- Activated Charcoal
Syrup of ipecac induces vomiting. The idea is to get the poison up and out of your dogs stomach. Activated charcoal is extremely porous and has the ability to bind with Theobromine and reduce the absorption of the poison.
Promptly Take Your Pet to the Vet
In any serious canine first aid emergency, always promptly take your pet to the vet. The effects of poisoning can temporary get worst, before first aid measures kick in and cause them to recede.
For further information please call the National Animal Poison Control Center at 1 (800) 548-2423. It is housed at the University of Illinois and is non-profit.
Hopefully your dog will never suffer from chocolate or theobromine poisoning.
Noble Green is the Dog Content Coordinator at Http:// A site containing an extensive and growing collection of dog training intelligentsia. Our contributors include owners, trainers, vets and other dog loving professionals. Browse our resources which include articles, videos, audios, dog training books and dog book reviews. We have a large section of new and used dog products that are designed to reduce your pet care expenses. Do some pet owner a favor and send them the following link. It may save a pet from death. Http://

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